In Home Design

The Real Meaning of Different Porch Light Colors Explained

The humble porch light began as a way to illuminate outdoor areas for safety and convenience in the late 19th and early 20th century. It quickly became a way to bring neighborhoods together by providing silent communication. Today, a porch light can mean different things if it’s on or off but it can also indicate unique meanings based on the porch light color.

Most Common Porch Light Color Meanings

In general, people have white porch lights. However, displaying the color of a local sports team is a common thing, especially during that sports season. Keep in mind your location and local teams when looking for colored porch lights to interpret. Very briefly, here are the most common different colors of porch light and what they mean:

Purple–Support for domestic violence victims. Safe haven for domestic violence victims.

Blue–Support for the police. Autism awareness.

Green–Support for veterans and the military. Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. Celebrating Christmas.

Red–Support for firefighters. Heart health awareness. Celebrating Christmas. Celebrating Valentine’s Day.

Pink–Breast cancer awareness. Celebrating Valentine’s Day.

Orange–Celebrating Halloween. Light up Delphi support.

What Does a Purple Porch Light Mean

purple porch light color

A purple porch light is one of the most important lights to know the meaning of. Purple shows support for and sympathy for domestic violence victims and is often put out during October, which is designated as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. 

Purple porch light colors are used to show support of or remembrance for victims of domestic violence. However, a home with a purple porch light is, most importantly, indicative of a safe haven for victims of domestic violence.

What Does a Blue Porch Light Mean

blue porch light color

Dolly Craig used a blue porch light in 1989 to show support for her son-in-law who was a police officer killed on duty. Since then, a movement known as Project Blue has indicated support of this cause.

A second meaning of a blue porch light color is to show support for autism awareness and autism research, especially during April. The campaign is named Light it up Blue and it was started in 2010.

What Does a Green Porch Light Mean

green porch light color

Green porch light colors have several meanings. The movement Greenlight a Vet began using green porch lights as symbols of hope, renewal, and well-being for veterans and military families. This cause is supported year round, however, it is most seen in November since veterans day is on November 11.

There are two holidays that often have green porch lights displayed as well. The first is St Patrick’s Day, celebrated in early spring on March 17. In this case, the green light is usually accompanied by shamrocks and gold accents. People also display green porch lights frequently at Christmas in December since red and green are popular Christmas colors.

What Does a Red Porch Light Mean

red porch light color

The color red once meant prostitution, and in some areas of the world it still does. Of course, now it has many more meanings and most of them are far less tawdry. 

Red porch light colors show support of firefighters, especially on International Firefighters Day on May 4. Celebrating firefighters will often include red and blue lights together to show the red of fire and the blue of water.

Another prominent meaning behind red porch lights is the support of heart health and heart health awareness. The American Heart Association designated February as Heart Health Awareness Month. Since heart disease is the leading cause of death for Americans, we can all support that cause.

Two major holidays are commonly celebrated with the addition of red porch lights. A red porch light color in February can not only support heart health awareness but also Valentine’s Day. And of course, in December a red porch light is frequently used to celebrate Christmas.

What Does a Pink Porch Light Mean

pink porch light color

Pink porch lights are a way to celebrate and honor breast cancer awareness month in October. A home displaying a pink porch light color could be the home of a survivor of breast cancer or a current patient or family member. With 1 in 8 women being diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives, movement to support them is strong.

What Does an Orange Porch Light Mean

orange porch light color

Up until recently, orange porch lights were mainly used to decorate for Halloween in October. However, in 2017 a movement called Light up Delphi began that was based on orange porch light colors.

Two young women were murdered in Delphi, Indiana. To show support for the families and a desire to catch the murderers, the community began to display orange porch lights. This movement quickly caught on and orange porch lights began to be put out across America.

Less Common Porch Light Color Meanings

While not every porch light color has to have a deeper meaning, there are several colors that are used for unique reasons within society. Some are used for a specific functional purpose. But even the most basic white porch light can show a specific intent or message that the homeowner wants to convey to the neighborhood around them.

What Does a Yellow Porch Light Mean

yellow porch light color

There isn’t a meaning to a yellow porch light so much as a use for it. Bugs are not attracted to yellow light the same way they are standard white light bulbs. A homeowner who wants to enjoy their front door without the insects may put a yellow porch light out so that they can see without attracting any pests.

What Does a Black Porch Light Mean

Black lights in a porch are mainly used as decoration, particularly around Halloween. However, there are also newer UV tattoos that appear only under black light. Since these tattoos are becoming more popular, black porch lights may become more popular as well.

What Does a Flashing Porch Light Mean

During Halloween, a strobing porch light is a common decoration. However, a flashing porch light could indicate that there is somebody inside in trouble. This is a way for somebody to signal for help without potentially alerting other residents or intruders that are inside the home. Do not attempt to help this person yourself but instead call your local emergency services and ask them to do a wellness check on the residence.

What Does a Warm White Porch Light Mean

A traditional warm white porch light color is still divisible into two different types of light. Most people have warm white light bulbs on their porch. Warm bulbs give a welcoming and calm atmosphere that people appreciate when they come to a home.

What Does a Cool White Porch Light Mean

cool white and warm white light

Cool white porch lights indicate that somebody is security conscious because it allows them to see more detail on their front porch and in their front yard. Especially in a motion sensor light, these porch lights are incredibly bright at night and easily light up intruders.

Buy a Single Porch Light that Changes Colors

If you want to change your porch light color regularly to show support for various causes or holidays, you can buy a single porch light that changes to several colors. Phillips makes a decent option for an LED bulb that can change to several different colors at will and can be installed in any regular light socket. Buying a single bulb that can do multiple colors will save you a ton of money.

Don’t Paint the Light Bulb

No matter how tempting it is to just paint the outside of a regular light bulb, you shouldn’t do it. Most paints will not tolerate the heat build up of a light bulb. The paint will flake off or cause a burning smell at best. Or they could light a fire at worst.

Other Common Porch Light Meanings

What Does it Mean When the Porch Light is On

porch light on at night

A porchlight should be left on in several instances. If there are children at home alone, the porch light should be left on so that they can identify people on the front porch easily. And if you are planning on returning home after dark, the porch light needs to be left on for safety.

One polite thing to do when expecting a delivery, whether it is food or a mail delivery, is to leave the porch light on for the safety of the person coming up your front walk. When you are expecting visitors or emergency responders, the light should be left on so they can easily find your house in the dark.

Is it Rude to Leave a Porch Light On

There are a few times when it is polite and expected that you turn your porch light off however. If you are going to bed or going to be out of town, your porch light should be off for the comfort of the other people in your neighborhood. Especially if a neighbor has complained that your light is too bright and disturbs them at night.

If you live in a rural area, it is safer to keep your porch light off at night so that you can more easily see potential intruders in your yard. The light will create a glare that an intruder can hide in. And it’s very rude to leave your light on if you do not want to hand out candy on Halloween. A porch light on during trick-or-treating is a universal sign that candy is to be had.

Does Leaving a Porch Light on Deter Criminals

Simply leaving your porch light on will not deter criminals from finding and breaking into your home. If you want to use a porch light for security, a good step is to find a motion sensitive light fixture. The light coming on when it senses motion is very good at scaring intruders from your space but also acts as a good alert to the homeowner.

To increase your security even more, combine a motion sensitive light fixture with a security camera. This results in a deadly combination for potential criminals and usually makes them choose an easier house to target. If you are going to be out of town, putting your porch light on a timer can make criminals think that you are still home and reduce your chances of being targeted as well.

For any porch light fixture on a dimmer, motion sensor, or a timer, you should get a dimmable bulb if you are using an LED. Even then, it is not uncommon for an LED bulb for flicker or act unusual if it is put in a security light. If you want to use an LED bulb in a porch light, be prepared to try a couple different brands.


Porch lights have been used as safety devices and neighborhood communication since they were first put on houses. Once you understand the meaning of different porch light colors, it becomes fascinating to walk around your neighborhood and learn what people are supporting and concerned about. Next time there is a cause that you are passionate about, consider changing your porch light to a color that shows your support!