There are a few things that everybody loves. The first is a smaller version of something that is big. The second is the ability to bring outdoor things indoors. A beautiful bonsai terrarium satisfies both of these loves and, because of that, is becoming incredibly popular. You can make your own in just a few simple steps!
Table of Contents
Can a Bonsai Survive in a Terrarium
To put it simply, yes! There are several different types of bonsai that can survive in a terrarium environment. Of course, you will need to choose a bonsai that will work in your specific type of terrarium and your specific care style.
Open Terrariums

Some people may choose an open terrarium. These terrariums have a large opening at the top to allow for plenty of airflow. The increased airflow tends to make this type of terrarium a lower moisture environment than most.
If you choose an open terrarium, make sure to choose a bonsai that will survive this lower humidity environment. There are several adorable terrarium options, like this one, that you can start with.
Closed Terrariums
In contrast to an open terrarium, a closed terrarium may only have a small hole at the top, a hole in the side, or no hole at all. These terrariums are typically high in humidity and can work in any light condition.
They can be used for bonsai terrariums if the bonsai plant chosen appreciates these conditions. Look mainly for rainforest varieties for these terrariums.
How to Choose the Best Bonsai for your Terrarium
There are several types of bonsai plants that will do well in a terrarium environment. Make sure to choose one that will tolerate not only the type of terrarium you choose but also your method of tending plants.
So if you tend to overwater plants, choose a plant that will tolerate that. And if you tend to forget plants, make sure to choose a plant that doesn’t need a lot of attention.
Good Candidates for Bonsai Terrariums

The Ficus is one of the most common bonsai plant choices because it is simpler to care for than other bonsai types. The Ficus prefers lots of light and consistent temperatures that are well above freezing. While it can tolerate lower water conditions, the Ficus will thrive in high humidity environments.
Because of these aspects, the ficus is a decent candidate for either an open or closed terrarium. If you plant it in an open terrarium, you may have to water it more than other bonsai choices. Of course, this is a perfect option for a closed terrarium.

The schefflera is another great option for beginner bonsai keepers. This beautiful plant has long, spindly roots above the soil that accent its small leaves. A schefflera will keep its leaves smaller if it has a lot of light but this bonsai can do okay with low light environments.
You can plant this bonsai in either type of bonsai terrarium because, while it prefers soil to be kept damp, it can tolerate low humidity environments if necessary. If you are looking for one to buy for your terrarium, you may find the schefflera called a Hawaiian Umbrella tree.

The beautiful premna, or musk maple, has a light tawny trunk and delicate leaves of different shapes depending on the species selected. While these trees prefer full sun, they also prefer to be kept humid. Because of this, they can be difficult for new bonsai growers to get the balance correct.
Best advice would be to choose an open terrarium and regular applications of water. Of course, this works out well because the premna plant requires a decent amount of fertilizer. You can apply liquid fertilizer up to once a week during the tree’s main growing season.
Possible Options for Bonsai Terrariums
Fukien Tea

The Fukien Tea tree, or Carmona, is a medium difficulty tree that can be used in a bonsai terrarium. The key with this beautiful tree is to provide it with a lot of sunlight and make sure that it isn’t exposed to temperatures lower than room temperature.
The Carmona needs to be kept moist but not wet. It prefers a generally high humid, high temperature environment. This makes the Fukien Tea tree a decent candidate for a closed bonsai terrarium if you’d like to use this tree.
Bald Cypress

The bald cypress is a swamp tree and it is a perfect candidate for a warm, constantly wet space. Because of this, it could be a good candidate for a closed terrarium. Of course, it also prefers quite a bit of sunlight so it’s a good idea to put it in a very bright space.

The bougainvillea can make a beautiful, flowering bonsai in a terrarium. In order to get this plant to flower to its fullest extent, you need to cycle it into warm, bright environments in summer and cool, dark environments in winter. Because of this, the bougainvillea makes a decent bonsai terrarium option.
Water Jasmine

The water jasmine needs to have full sunlight at all times and should be kept at room temperature or warmer. You may have guessed from its name that the water jasmine requires a lot of water. It should never be allowed to dry out.
How to Build Your Bonsai Terrarium
There are really only a few steps you need to follow to build a bonsai terrarium you’ll love. And remember, you can change things up in order to make the terrarium your own by putting in different decorations.
Clear Glass Container
Start by choosing a clean, clear glass container. The container needs to be large enough to fit the entire scene and allow the bonsai some breathing room. This doesn’t mean that it needs to be massive though. Just make sure that the tree won’t be too tight inside of it.
Make sure to get a container with room for your bonsai
You can choose an open terrarium with an open top to allow more airflow. Or you can select a closed terrarium. Typically a closed terrarium will have a lid that can be opened to water the bonsai.
At the bottom of the terrarium, put a thin layer of either sand or large rock to act as drainage and help to keep the humidity at an even level. Large stones will provide a really nice jungle appearance while sand will be more understated.
Activated Charcoal
If you want to, you can add some activated charcoal to this bottom layer of the terrarium. The activated charcoal isn’t necessary but it will help to keep any bad odors down and help to purify the air in the terrarium to keep it healthy.

There is specific soil that is used in terrariums that helps to prevent mold from growing. Add your first layer of soil in an even layer over the rock at the bottom of the terrarium. Then, add a second layer to build up a small hill and give the terrarium more character.
When you initially plant your bonsai, it will probably show some signs of shock. Signs of shock include yellowing or dropping leaves. Make sure you don’t stress your bonsai any more than the transplanting will. Gently remove any dead or decaying plant matter and give your bonsai time to recover.
Decorative Stones
If you want to, you can add some larger decorative stones on top of the soil to add some more interest to your terrarium. Lava rock in particular tends to look good and work well in a bonsai terrarium. This is an optional step so don’t feel like you have to add these stones.
Decorative stones can complete the scene for a bonsai terrarium
Live Moss
Moss is a classic addition to a bonsai terrarium. Live moss helps to make the terrarium look more complete rather than just bare soil. Adding moss not only helps to make the terrarium look complete but it helps to hold the soil in place and purify the air inside the terrarium. Moss will also help the terrarium to retain water and keep the humidity constant.
How do You Take Care of a Bonsai Terrarium
You need to remember that a bonsai terrarium is going to do okay even if you don’t give it perfect conditions. So many people think that everything has to be perfect for a bonsai to do well and that just isn’t the case. Just try to follow a few key principles in general.
Do Bonsai Trees Need Full Sun

A bonsai terrarium will do better in a full sun setting. That doesn’t mean that you should have it right next to a very bright window facing South. That just means that it needs to get about 6-8 hours of good sun each day.
If the sunlight filtered a little bit through a tree or through a sheer curtain that’s okay. For a situation where your bonsai doesn’t get very much sun, you can use a grow light or move the bonsai outdoors if it’s warm enough.
For a bonsai terrarium, you’ll want to find soil with a couple of different properties. There are soil mixes that are made specifically for terrariums that can resist mold growth which will keep your terrarium healthy.
You can also use bonsai soil mix which is a highly aerated, allows good drainage, and retains water well. Most bonsai mixes are made with akadama (a Japanese baked clay), lava rock or pumice, fine gravel, and compost. It is not difficult to find bonsai mixes, especially online.
Bonsai trees prefer to be kept damp at all times but never overwatered. Do make sure that you do this, check your soil every day and make sure that the top layer is damp. If it is dry, mist the top layer so that it is damp again with a plant mister or spray bottle.
Bonsai trees are excellent candidates for misting plants
Trees that are grown in a terrarium will not need as much water as those grown in an open pot so make sure that until you know your plant’s water cycle, you check it each day. You can even get a moisture meter to help you determine if the soil is dry or not.
Most bonsai trees, even those in terrariums, prefer to be kept warm. Typically, if you keep your bonsai terrarium at room temperature or above, your bonsai will be happy. Make sure if you have your bonsai outdoors to account for the drop in evening temperatures.

The hardest part of keeping a bonsai tree is fertilizing it enough without over fertilizing it. Signs of over fertilizing include leaves turning yellow or brown, or even falling off. Most bonsai trees will do okay with fertilizer applied once a month, at most, or even as little as once every six months.
Fertilizer can be mixed into the water that you spray on the soil or just sprinkled on top of the soil as long as it’s a slow release formula. Because a bonsai tree has such small and tender roots, you need to be careful to avoid any quick release formulas.
Can I Buy a Bonsai Terrarium Kit
Yes! There are several places to buy bonsai kits to make your own bonsai terrarium that you will love. And to make it easy, you don’t have to think about anything when you use one. The problem is that most kits come with seeds rather than grown trees so you’ll have to be SUPER patient when going this route.
A much better route is to buy seedlings that have sprouted and already started to look like baby trees. This way, you can get to the fun faster!
Etsy also has numerous sellers who sell these kits. The nice part is that by working with an Etsy seller, you’ll get great service since most sellers there are willing to work with you as an individual and not just a “buyer.”
A love of bringing the outdoors indoors and things that are small that should be big makes bonsai terrariums almost universally loved. Most people think that these beautiful terrariums are difficult to create and care for. But with a few key care tips, it’s actually not that hard to have your own bonsai terrarium.